Sunday, June 4, 2006

Portions and potbellies....size matters.

Even though I ate incredibly well in Italy, I actually lost a few pounds during the trip. I'm sure it's not just in Italy that portions do not approach the serving sizes to which we are accustomed in the U.S.

What other reasons? For one, meals are not taken on the run. For example, I don't recall seeing a single person sipping coffee in to-go paper cups; it was rare to see people eating anywhere other than seated at a table. Sometimes I'd see people eating while standing at a bar (it actually costs less to have you coffee or snack while standing.)

And the freshness. Man oh man. The fruit and vegetables were extremely fresh everywhere we ate. Nothing seemed processed for long-term storage.

Here's an article from the New York Times on eating the Italian way that delves into this subject.